Keeping things in perspective

Keeping Things in Perspective

In this blog, and in general, I often find myself frustrated with life.  It often seems that no matter how hard I try, I never find myself at that place where I can finally relax and enjoy myself.  I’m always striving for something more.

A Sad Week

And then this week happens.  First I heard about the awful murder of Christina Grimmie after a concert in Orlando.  I must admit that I have never heard of her before, but knowing that she was just 22 and gunned down by a deranged fan just broke my heart.  She was talented and working hard for what she wanted, and some selfish terrible human being singles her out and thinks he has a right to take her life.  I know that the world is full of wonderful people, but when you hear stories like this, it’s hard not to be disgusted with humanity.

Then there was the worst mass shooting in US history at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.  50 people, including the gunman, had died. That was hard enough to hear, but then to hear that he was in there for 3 hours hunting people down and then reshooting bodies on the floor to make sure that they were dead?  The nightclub posted “Everyone get out of pulse and keep running.”  Haunting.  And then to hear that the shooter himself died in a shootout with police?  I wish he survived so he could be held responsible for all the pain and suffering that he caused.

Then just this morning, I heard the incredibly sad story about a family from Nebraska vacationing in Orlando with their 4 and 2 year olds at Disney.  The 2 year old was on the edge of a man-made lagoon and got snatched by an alligator.  They are still looking for him.  I have an 11 month old son and this story just wrenches my gut.  Forever they will have to live with that.


These are all the kinds of events that make you wish for time travel.  If we could only go back in time and stop these things from happening.  But they happened and they have forever marred our world.  We will have to live with these events as our new reality for the rest of our lives.

We are Lucky

I complain on here but I am so, so, so very lucky.  I have survived to my 35th birthday.  Any of these tragedies could befall me, but so far they haven’t.  I have freedom to spout out what upsets me.  I have a job that pays me money so I am never hungry and always have a roof over my head.  I have health, dental, and vision insurance so I can go to the doctor for care without worry about the enormous bills that would follow.  I have a wonderful family who loves me so much and whom I love with all my heart.  I am so, so, so lucky.  Unfortunately, sometimes it takes horrible events like those that happened this week to help keep things in perspective.