A Horrible Event…Yet Again

Everything and Sundry - A Horrible Event Yet Again

Here I am drinking my coffee, but what I really want is a drink.  An alcoholic drink.  Yet again, there has been a horrible event and some madman has ruined people’s lives.  Yet again, we are caught unaware and helpless of how to process what happened, what to do, and how to proceed. I am talking about the horror that happened last night in Nice, France on Bastille Day; when it should have been a time of celebration.  I am penning this article, because it’s all I can do.  It’s so fresh; there isn’t even a Wikipedia page about it yet.

Where is his Empathy?

What I don’t understand is the lack of empathy that these terrible human beings have.  This man, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, this spineless, unintelligent, psychopath of man, had a wife and three children.  He was a father and a husband.  How could he take so many innocent lives, and think that he was some sort of higher authority to be able to do it?  Where is his empathy?


My heart is broken for France.  They have been through so much these past few years, from the Charlie Hebdo attack, to the November Paris attacks, now to this.

Everything and Sundry - A Horrible Event Yet Again

Moving forward

The struggle that I always have after something terrible like this, is how do we move forward?  How can we go to work, buy groceries, pay our bills, fight parking tickets, anything mundane after something like this?  I try but that horrible event, what happened, and the poor people whose lives were shattered by it keep lurking in my mind.  My focus on what I need to do is lost, with my thoughts drawn away to those in pain.

I keep thinking that this could be me.  I could have been there.  My son or my husband could have been there.  I don’t know how I would be able to live if anything happened to them.

I guess all we can do is just keep on pressing forward and continue to live our lives, albeit with more caution; much, much more caution.  There are more wonderful people in this world then there are terrible people.  If we become afraid to live, then they win.  We can never let them win.